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Setting up your new machine - A simple dev environment configuration guide


As developers, we interact with all kinds of machines every day. A well-configured development environment can significantly boost productivity and make coding more enjoyable. This comprehensive guide will help you set up a comfortable and efficient workspace. It's mainly for beginners, but experienced developers may also find some useful tips.

Better right-click menu in Win11


When the Windows system was updated to version 11, the right-click menu was completely redesigned. Microsoft is apparently trying to make it simpler and more modern, but the way they have chosen to do it is really brute force: hiding everything useful in the secondary menu! I find this really annoying. Luckily, we have a way to bring back the classic, and even customize it and make it better! (This post is in Chinese.)

VS Code 中文乱码问题


2023 年 1 月 12 日更新: 找到了方便地改变 Windows 中终端默认编码的方法,所以原来的改变 C/C++ 文件默认编码的方法可以淘汰了。

VS Code 的安装与配置基础 C/C++ 开发环境


我以前学习 C++ 的时候,使用的是 DevCpp 。这个软件让我这个初学者比较舒服的点是,我不用太过详细地考虑编译的过程——新建一个 cpp 文件,写一点小程序,按下 F11,程序运行。我不需要管选择编译器啊、配置编译命令啊啥啥的。但是到 VS Code 这边,这都要我自己做了,对于新手并不是那么友好。这里记录一下我配置 VS Code 的 C/C++ 环境的完整过程,希望对你有所帮助。需要注意的是:学习一下基本的编译链接指令还是很有必要的!